Using up-to-date equipment is a major step to remaining competitive in today’s remodel/reset market. Gondola Skate is ALWAYS working on the solutions of tomorrow while perfecting the solutions used today. Our rental clients are the first to work with the latest and greatest versions of our gear.
One of the largest benefits of equipment rental is that your teams are using the safest, previously inspected and maintained equipment, on every job. Owned equipment is in a state of decline from the first time its used. Gondola Skate goes to great lengths to ensure that our equipment is in top shape when it shows up at your job, every time.
Gondola Skate has a team of expert logistic and project managers that take care of every detail of getting your equipment to each jobsite. Minimal assistance is needed to get the kits back on the road to their home. We also pass on our incredible freight savings (based on our shipping volume) to our clients. Renting Gondola Skate equipment eliminates a mountain of side problems associated with owning and relocating your own equipment.
Equipment Rental allows the ability to mix and match moving systems, try new products and lock into your favorite equipment packages. Gondola Skate is continuously working with our clients to improve the entire experience, and we want new technology in their hands immediately.
Storing fixture mobilization equipment is obviously eliminated by Gondola Skates Equipment Rental. Anyone who has stored and lugged this gear around will attest to the brilliance of “letting someone else deal with it,” we deal with every aspect of it for our clients, from delivery to pickup to delivery again.
Behind the scenes, we track every possible facet of every piece of equipment on every jobsite. We have a team of top-tier project management, logistics and operation managers that are seeing the process through with our clients. We use state of the art, proprietary software to stay on top of even the most minute details. We use integrated GPS tracking to further focus our project management support and minimize costs to everyone due to misplaced equipment.
A great way to stay competitive in today’s remodel/reset market is to use project-based pricing for rental equipment. This means that the expense is a direct function of the job it is used for. You no longer need to indirectly amortize your long-term equipment expense into large and small jobs.
Major, capital-equipment purchases can cause anxiety on the part of business owners. Equipment purchases are expensive and must be kept busy throughout their practical life, and hopefully not being misused or abused. There are warranties to track, service-contract decisions to make, financing options to discern along with interest rates and several other points that make buying equipment a long-term responsibility. Capital equipment purchase comes with the duties of storage, maintenance, service, eventual sale or disposal and upgrades. Renting fixture mobilization equipment eliminates each of these concerns and duties.
Banks do not see rental expenses as a liability on the balance sheet, so the option to rent equipment maintains stronger borrowing power for a business. Thinking in terms of assets and liabilities, capital-equipment debt or an aging machine could weaken a business’ overall financial picture depending on the numbers and circumstances.
Rental expenses are a deductible expense while purchased equipment is taxed at a depreciated rate over its lifetime. Generally, rental expenses are a little more financially flexible than are major, capital-expense purchases. In some cases, they’re viewed as project expenses or might have some type of tax-deduction benefit available because of the nature of certain kinds of business.
Monday – Friday:
8am – 5pm PST